Noel for Colorado

Why Noel


Noel Ginsburg is an innovative, caring, and trusted leader who brings fresh thinking to Colorado.


Big ideas.


I am running for Governor because I want to make the lives of the people in Colorado better with new thinking, good jobs, needed infrastructure, and strong leadership. 


New Thinking
Through my work with CareerWise Colorado, I’ve seen the profound impact of fresh thinking and business community engagement to solve challenges for education, job creation, and skills development. I want to bring this type of problem solving to all sectors of Colorado state government as Governor. I want to infuse contemporary, innovative thinking into how state government works to get things done. 

I’m not coming at this from politics; I’m coming at this from my life as a manufacturing entrepreneur and a civic leader. A deep sense of integrity and gratitude guides me to work on making the lives of people in Colorado better. I build relationships and I build teams. I believe in focusing on people and investing in them. I know that in business and in life, investing in people translates to success, and I want to make this happen in government.

Good Jobs
Being able to take care of yourself and your family means being able to get a good job. The world needs all kinds of people and talent. Economic opportunity is tied directly to our education system and access to skills development. We need to create new pathways and choices for people to enter the middle class and beyond. Our people systems need to give everyone the opportunity to work hard, grow, contribute value, and earn a living.

How we are sustained in our physical and digital world is foundational to being the best versions of ourselves. In Colorado, living in a naturally beautiful place offers us an incredible quality of life. The realities of modern life require us to have access to good ways of getting places without spending precious time and energy stuck in traffic. And we need digital infrastructure that allows everyone to tap into the new economy, so that Colorado can continue to lead as an economic force.

Strong Leadership
We need strong leaders today – people who will stand up for what they believe in and lead, especially when it’s hard. Government use of taxpayer dollars must be transparent and responsible. Before spending any public money, we need to clearly articulate what the problem is, how money will be used, and the benefit and outcome it brings to Coloradans. I’m known to be a very ethical person, and my unwavering sense of values is what makes me a good leader. My compass is always: what is best for the people, what is fair, what is smart, and what moves us all forward.